Boat Shared Ownership Agreement Template Free

If you`re planning to enter into a shared ownership agreement for a boat, it`s crucial to have a legally binding agreement in place. This protects everyone involved and ensures that everyone knows exactly what their responsibilities are. However, creating a shared ownership agreement from scratch can be a daunting task. That`s why it`s a good idea to use a boat shared ownership agreement template.

When looking for a boat shared ownership agreement template, it`s important to find one that`s tailored to your specific needs. You want to ensure that the template covers everything that you need it to, such as how much each party is contributing to the purchase of the boat, how maintenance and repairs will be handled, and what happens if someone wants to sell their share.

One option for a free, customizable boat shared ownership agreement template is through This site offers a free template that you can use as-is or customize to your needs. The template covers important areas such as:

– Ownership percentage and amount contributed by each owner

– Maintenance responsibilities and costs

– Insurance and liability coverage

– Boarding and usage policies

– Dispute resolution procedures

Another resource for a free boat shared ownership agreement template is through Rocket Lawyer. Their template covers similar areas as the Boatsetter template but also includes sections for legal terms and conditions, termination of the agreement, and applicable laws.

It`s important to note that while these templates are free, you`ll still need to have them reviewed by a lawyer to ensure that they meet your specific needs and comply with applicable laws in your state or jurisdiction.

In conclusion, a boat shared ownership agreement template can help ensure that everyone involved in the ownership of a boat is on the same page and protected legally. Both Boatsetter and Rocket Lawyer offer free templates that you can use as a starting point and customize to your needs. However, it`s crucial to have any legal document reviewed by a lawyer before signing to ensure that it meets your specific needs and complies with applicable laws.

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